Technıcal Servıces:
RepaIr and MaIntenance ServIces:
Organizing the repair is also as important as the technical repairs itself. We can arrange repair operations while transiting or waiting at the entrance of straits and port calls/dry docks. We can also embark technicians for sailing with the vessel until the next port, in case needed.
Technıcal Servıces:
Calıbratıon and Annual Certıfıcatıon Servıces :
Under our operation analysis team planning and programming, we are arranging calibration and annual certificate services with our high-class service provider.
Planning and programming is not only what we do. Also, our Marine team will attend the services in order to arrange skilled communications. and proper service reporting.
Technıcal Servıces:
Supply CoordInatıon and Delıvery Servıces:
We are also coordinating the supplies that you have arranged via your local suppliers. Our service will help your communication and coordination of supplies arriving on board timely.
Along with the services we give directly, we are also supporting our clients in coordinating their 3rd party arrangements with our communication and coordination contribution.
Technıcal Servıces:
Spare Parts Clearance and DelIverIes :
Spare Parts Clearance and Delivery is one of our best-in-class services that we are proud of. First of all, we are the only agency performing the whole process via our team members and company-owned fleet of vehicles.
We have a very prompt and competent customs team, and we never outsource customs issues.
Technıcal Servıces:
ServIce EngIneer Attendance ServIces:
CNMAR will coordinate your local and international service company arrangements as your representative and supporter. Along with the services we give directly.
We are also supporting our clients in coordinating their 3rd party arrangements with our communication and coordination contribution.
Technıcal Servıces:
TechnIcal SupplIes :
We are always ready for last-minute or complicated supply requirements.
Technıcal Servıces:
Freshwater Supply
ServIces :
Fresh Water Supply with land trucks and barges are available at many Turkish Ports and Straits. Please do not hesitate to contact us for your freshwater supply needs.
Technıcal Servıces:
Attendance CoordInatIon and Organızıng Servıces:
The superintendent, owner, and your company representative are arranged by CNMAR in the finest quality, from meet and greet service at the airport to transfer, hotel accommodation, and attendance.
We are always honored to welcome you.
Technıcal Servıces:
Dısposal Servıces:
Bilge Water, Slop, Sludge, Waste Oil, Oily Ballast, Solid Sludge, Sewage, MARPOL 73/78 Annex -V waste disposals are available at many Turkish Ports and Straits.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for getting more information.